CE Requirements for Nurses in Vermont

Requirements specific to Nurses in Vermont

You don't have any state CE requirements, but you may have some from your employer. If so, you can meet those requirements with our courses. If you have a stipend from your employer, make sure to take advantage of our Amazon Gift Card offer.

Nursing CE Courses for Nurses in Vermont

Complete these courses towards your Vermont nursing CE requirements.

Over 500 hours of CE for one low price
Autism Spectrum Disorder Nursing CE Course for APRNs

4.5 ANCC contact hours

0.0 Pharmacology hours

Recommended Start Course
Tobacco Dependence and Treatment Nursing CE Course for RNs and LPNs

1.5 ANCC contact hours

0.0 Pharmacology hours

Recommended Start Course
Personality Disorders Nursing CE Course

1.5 ANCC contact hours

0.0 Pharmacology hours

Recommended Start Course
Oral Health Care Nursing CE Course

1.0 ANCC contact hours

0.0 Pharmacology hours

Recommended Start Course
Psychotic Disorders Nursing CE Course for RNs and LPNs

2.5 ANCC contact hours

0.0 Pharmacology hours

Recommended Start Course
Antimicrobial Resistance Nursing CE Course for APRNs

2.0 ANCC contact hours

0.0 Pharmacology hours

Recommended Start Course

*Each professional is accountable for understanding his or her accrediting/licensing body’s standards and requirements. While we try to routinely update information on this page, we are not responsible for its accuracy and information is subject to change without notice.

You can learn more at Vermont's Board of Nursing Website